Energy saving and development of renewable sources is a current priority list all around the world. Continuing with the green trend, we can help protect our Cleveland Ohio homes, and potentially save money, using homemade house cleaning products. Instead of using common products that harm the beautiful living world around us, you should definitively think about using eco-friendly green products to clean your Cleveland home – and create a healthy and safe environment for your family.
You may not even be aware that some products you use contain a special type of ammonia or bleach that is so strong it can be detrimental to your home’s health. Inhaling these products can be quite dangerous, often leaving people with a head ache or light headed if in an enclosed area.
Why should I use green home cleaners?
• Strong chemicals don’t get broken down simply with water. They get rinsed into your sink or shower, where they flow in sewers, rivers, Lake Erie, you name it. It may sound trivial, but collectively imagine all of the strong chemical cleaners emptied a year across the world. It’s going somewhere, either resting in your house, being inhaled, or down into a water resource.
• You can feel better about doing your part. Again, while some may think it’s trivial in the big picture, we believe cutting back where you actually have the control to do so is a responsible approach to life in general.
• Active substances (used in cleaners) are based on phosphates and synthetic surfactants. These may trigger allergies and even bother one’s skin.
• With some quick searches on Google there are a plethora of easy DIY home cleaners, many using vinegar as a base! Save money, your health, and the environment!
In conclusion, green home cleaning products are not hard to find and they don’t have to be expensive at all – because of one very simple reason – you can make them by yourself, and that is surely the safest option. But if you are busy like most people caught up in your day to day hassles, there is alternative – buy them. Many work just as well as regular chemical cleaners. You can find websites, or even Pinertest, who are focused especially on these kind of products. You can even see where other people record their impressions and grade them.
Many home owners into a more “green” home make their DIY recipes. You make them in your home, so you know exactly what they contain. They are also so easy to make! Most of the bases of these green home cleaning products you can find in every market and they are extremely affordable (usually under $1). Some of these ingredients are vinegar, lemon juice, salt, peroxide and baking soda, for example.
There are thousands of ways that you can make cleaners, and here we will mention only a few most popular and most effective but at the same time inexpensive ones:
Alcoholic vinegar is very useful for cleaning, because it takes off almost everything, from scum to grease stains, it destroys unpleasant smells and does not let them linger behind. Baking soda can be used for washing and polishing in the bathroom, but also for removing odor. It is slightly abrasive and helps to lift stains. Use diluted lemon juice to give your bathtub or any kind of metal some glisten and a lovely scent. Squeeze lemon and put the juice into washing machine for incredible freshness.
Wash your windows, mirrors, and other kinds of glass with this one: add 10 g of ground natural soap (it should be extra strong) in boiling water and let it melt, after that add 500 ml of distilled water 150 ml of alcohol for cleaning and 100 ml of alcoholic white vinegar. Mix it. If you want it to smell better, choose volatile oil that you like, and pour it into this homemade product. And… that’s it!
Detergent for hand washing your dishes: boil some water and add 100 g of grated soap. Wait until it melts to add half cup of baking soda, quarter cup of washing soda, half teaspoon of citric acid, essential oil of your choice 5ml, and distilled water 1 – 1.5 l. Ready to do some dishes.
This thing is really going to delight you and save you money. You can even make your own eco detergent for washing machine: use about 1,2kg of ground natural soap, 950g of washing soda (if you are making sensitive clothes washing detergent put 400g), 800g of borax (200g for sensitive washing), 50g of soda (or 150g for sensitive laundry), and 10 – 30 drops of essential oil of your choice. Mix it, and it is ready to use.
Give these house cleaning products a shot and you’ll actually see they’re quite simple to make and also effective! Once you try out some of eco friendly products, you will never use those chemical again. These ingredients are enough to make your home and laundry sparkling clean with a refreshing smell. Look at some of the resources we provided here, or check the internet for an unlimited database of recipes that will help you keep your home clean and healthy. Also, if you have some free time, feel free to try making some new and undiscovered homemade cleaners and fragrances! You can share them with friends or family, help some of us local Clevelanders out, or even put them online to give back to the community!
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