Regardless of whether you have a tendency to clutter or hoard sentimental things, clutter has an impact on your overall well-being. From stress, reduced motivation, increased allergies, and decreased creativity (to name a few) clutter has a stifling effect.
How can decluttering your home keep it clean?
1 Everything has its place
Clutter causes us to easily misplace or lose our belongings. We search high and low with frustrations mounting. If we get lucky, we find what we are looking for; or, we give up our search before our frustration gets the better of us.
Give everything in your home its own place by decluttering your home. This will help you to not only know exactly what you have but stay in control of your belongings. Now you will be able to find what you are looking for quickly and easily.
2 Less dust
The more things we have in our homes, the more places we give dust an opportunity to collect. The dust settles in those nooks, crannies and hard to reach places. The more dust in our home, the more our risk for asthma and other allergies increase.
By decluttering your home, you are removing unnecessary dust while helping your home become more manageable to clean. With fewer items around, you’ll be able to effectively clean your home thus removing more dust and reducing allergens, toxins, and pollutants.
3 More space
As you sort through your rooms, cupboards, and boxes, you’ll be able to decide which items you must keep and which ones need to be donated or relegated to the garbage. This organizing of your things allows you to decide the best way to use the cupboard space that you already have. With each of your items stored in its correct space, you’ll find your home more spacious and organized. Those items on the floor or on tables will no longer clutter around you; instead, you’ll have a more open and free flowing feel in your home with the more space you create.
4 Save money and time
The more things you have in your home the more time and money you spend maintaining them. Some of your clothes may need to be dry-cleaned or you may have to use specific cleaning products to maintain other items. This all takes time and money to do it properly.
The less you have, the more time you have for doing other activities that bring relaxation and less stress. Along with this, you’ll be saving money since you won’t be buying unnecessary purchases. If you choose to hold a yard sale or garage sale, you may even make some extra money for your decluttering efforts.
5 Less time cleaning
With a decluttered home, you reduce your cleaning time significantly. With your surfaces clean, your time wiping and polishing tables, countertops, and other objects is reduced. Now you can clean your home in less time before surveying your domain with a satisfactory nod for a job well done.
6 Goodbye stress
Clutter has become synonymous with stress. One of the quickest ways to reduce your stress is to declutter your home. You will find yourself experiencing more satisfaction and relaxation after you have started the journey to a decluttered home.
Halton, Chrissy. What are the advantages of decluttering? Organizing My House