Stay On Top Of House Cleaning During Cleveland’s Winter!
While you’re cooped up inside during the winter months it’s so easy to neglect cleaning, despite you typically dirtying it more compared to warmer months when you’re spending more time outside the house. Don’t let cleaning sneak up on you right before the in-laws show up at your door! If the cleaning list becomes too long it will become such a daunting task you won’t even want to begin. Here are some useful tips to note for house cleaning during these brutal Cleveland winters.
Keep your bedroom clean
The bedrooms in your home are great environments for germs! When we’re especially prone to colds and flus during the winter months, it’s important to keep up with washing sheets, pillow cases, and even comforters. By cleaning your linens once a week you’ll be ridding them of any nasty germs that have been hiding on them.
Door Knobs and Light Switches
Sanitize sanitize sanitize! Wipe down door knobs, light switches, cabinet handles, and sink knobs with an antibacterial wipe! This will help keep the germs at bay. Don’t forget to wash your hands regularly as well, especially after visiting places like grocery stores where you’re in contact with carts. All it takes is one dirty handed eye-rub to catch a cold.
Mats For Snow
Buy yourself a plastic shoe mat for wet shoes and boots. Your dry socks with thank me later. This is a key part to house cleaning in the winter, especially because we know how quickly white snow can turn to brown slush in Cleveland. Don’t spread it around the house, take your shoes off at the door and put them on a mat! Take the extra 10 seconds at the door to save yourself a headache later.
Homes get extremely dusty in the winter because the air is so warm and dry. In order to dust efficiently, dust from top to bottom. Make sure to hit those easy to forget places like window frames, the tops of books, and especially fan blades! Ensuring your lighting fixtures are all clean will avoid dingy looking lighting. We’ve recently had our air-ducts cleaned too. Supposedly it reduces the dust, germs, and allergens coming from your furnace. A regular maid service can be an easy way to stay on top of dusting 🙂
A few notes not related to home cleaning:
– Make sure your windows are insulated properly. If you have old windows, they’re costing you hundreds of dollars in wasted energy during the winter.
– Clean the furnace for better efficiency!
– Take vitamin D! Vitamin D is one of the most common vitamin deficiencies in first world countries. Being in Cleveland, one of the most over-cast cities in the States (seriously, look it up), you’re definitely not getting enough vitamin D from the sun. Do some research and grab yourself a legitimatize Vitamin D supplement. I personally take 4,000 iu a day, as the most modern research shows doses of 2000-6000iu to be most beneficial. Be sure be getting enough Magnesium too, as it allows your body to use the vitamin D. Keeping your vitamin D levels up during the winter will give you healthier skin, and more importantly help with the winter-time blues.